小脚丫Lattice FPGA自动下载脚本
这是一个名为 "flash.bat" 的批处理脚本,由ChanRa1n编写,用于将指定文件夹('impl1'子文件夹)中的所有JED文件复制到名为 "STEPLink" 的磁盘中。以下是该脚本的详细介绍:
@echo off echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Script Name: flash.bat echo Description: This batch script copies all JED files from the 'impl1' echo subfolder to the 'STEPLink' disk. echo Author: ChanRa1n echo Website: https://www.myfpga.cn echo Version: 1.0 echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ setlocal enabledelayedexpansion REM Get the current script directory set "scriptDir=%~dp0" REM Set the source folder path set "sourceFolder=%scriptDir%impl1" REM Check the drive letter of the STEPLink disk for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%d in ('wmic logicaldisk where "volumename='STEPLink'" get caption /format:value ^| find "="') do ( set "destDrive=%%d" ) REM Check if the STEPLink disk exists if not defined destDrive ( echo STEPLink disk does not exist or cannot be accessed. pause exit /b ) REM Set the destination folder path set "destFolder=!destDrive!\" REM Check if the source folder exists if not exist "%sourceFolder%\" ( echo Source folder does not exist. pause exit /b ) REM Create the destination folder if not exist "%destFolder%" mkdir "%destFolder%" REM Copy all JED files to the destination folder copy "%sourceFolder%\*.jed" "%destFolder%" echo Operation completed. pause exit /b